Driving Under The Influence

You Should Hire a Lawyer Who Studies Police DUI Training

It is important a DUI attorney is familiar with the training police officers receive in detection of Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and Drugs (DUI) cases. Knowledge of the processes and procedures used by police in detecting DUI drivers, screening the driver before arrest, and the arrest process are critical in formulating a defense to DUI charges. This knowledge allows the attorney to determine whether the police officer deviated from his or her training in any part of the DUI arrest process. Showing a police officer deviated from training can be a crucial aspect of a DUI defense. Attorney Steven Herzberg has that knowledge.

Illinois State Police, Chicago Police, local law enforcement officers across Cook County, and Illinois receive training in DUI detection as part of initial training to become a police officer. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), a division of the United States Department of Transportation produces this training. Officers throughout the United States receive training through NHTSA. NHTSA standardized DUI detection training so all law enforcement officers across the United States receive the same DUI training, with limited exceptions.

Most police officers receive extensive training in DUI detection before becoming a police officer and often receive refresher courses after initial training. Police officers are often trained using a participant manual titled, “DWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST).” Chapters in the participant training manual include “Detection and General Deterrence,” “The Legal Environment,” “Vehicle in Motion,” “Personal Contact,” “Pre-Arrest Screening,” “Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFSTs),” and “Processing the Arrested Subject, Report Writing, and Preparation for Trial.”

Chicago Police officers use NHTSA standards during training in DUI detection. The Chicago Police Department Education and Training Division produces an edited version of NHTSA standards titled “DUI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing, Student Manual.” The Chicago Police Department manual covers comparable topics in a more streamlined form than the training materials produced by NHTSA.

Steven Herzberg has copies of and has studied both instructor manuals and participant manuals from NHTSA used by most police departments in training police officers in DUI detection and enforcement. Steven Herzberg also has copies of and has studied the “DUI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing, Student Manual” used by Chicago Police in training its police officers in DUI detection and enforcement. Steven’s knowledge and understanding of the training and procedures used by police in detecting and arresting DUI suspects is invaluable in defending DUI charges.

Herzberg Law Firm

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