Driving Under The Influence

Don’t Let The Expense Of An Attorney Prevent You From Retaining DUI Defense Attorney Steven Herzberg Immediately After Your DUI Arrest

Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs (DUI) in Illinois is a serious criminal offense. There are many potential outcomes to a DUI case. DUI can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the circumstances. Criminal penalties can range from a minimum sentence of Court Supervision with conditions for a first misdemeanor DUI offense to a conviction resulting in driver’s license revocation and up to one year in the Department of Corrections in the county of your arrest with conditions for a first or second misdemeanor DUI offense. A felony conviction will result in a driver’s license revocation and could result in a sentence of probation or a sentence of more than one year in the Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) followed by a period of mandatory supervised release.

A person charged with DUI, whether charged as a misdemeanor or a felony, needs the representation of a criminal defense attorney well-versed in DUI law and defense. Steven Herzberg is one such defense attorney. Steven will work on both the criminal case and the other case resulting from a DUI, the driver’s license Statutory Summary Suspension (SSS) civil case.

A person charged with any crime may be required to post a cash bond to be released from custody following an arrest. In addition to any cash bond, a person charged with DUI will have his or her vehicle impounded following a DUI arrest. The person arrested will have to pay an administrative fee and a towing fee before the person can retrieve his or her vehicle from the auto pound. The administrative fee ranges from $500.00 to more than $2,000.00 depending on the municipality effectuating the arrest.

Steven Herzberg knows it is essential to retain a qualified DUI attorney as soon as possible after an arrest. This way, the attorney can begin defense by filing court documents to preserve the right to a hearing on the civil SSS. The sooner the court documents are filed, the sooner you would be entitled to a hearing on the SSS issue. A person charged with DUI has the best chance to win rescission of the SSS if the person retains a qualified DUI defense attorney as soon as possible after arrest. Promptly retaining a qualified DUI defense attorney increases the chances of winning rescission of the SSS before the SSS begins on the 46th day after arrest.

You may think you cannot afford a criminal attorney to handle your defense after paying a bond for release from custody and hundreds or even thousands of dollars for the release of your vehicle. Steven Herzberg has been defending people charged with DUI for more than a decade. He knows these initial costs make it difficult to pay a large initial retainer to an attorney.

A DUI case can take months or even more than a year to resolve depending on many variables. Steven Herzberg accepts a reasonable initial payment followed by monthly payments because he understands the unique initial financial costs and the stress of a DUI arrest. Contact Steven Herzberg as soon as you can following a DUI arrest. His knowledge of and focus on the practice of DUI law and his understanding on the financial effects of a DUI the arrest make him a great partner as your criminal defense attorney.

Herzberg Law Firm

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